Restoration of the XIV century “Casa del Petrarca” as cultural spaces and construction of a new adjacent addition for technical spaces and services, in Incisa Valdarno (Florence)

The proposals and the works planned for the Casa del Petrarca are based on restorative principles that are not only measured by the yardstick of respect and recognizable authenticity of the artefact and its parts, but are also attributable to the culture of compatible recognition of the additions, in order to establish a continuous and coherent dialogue between “old and new”, expressed and defined in processing and materials. The delicate components and landscape values of the place have given rise to some basic choices that translate into a series of interconnected design proposals and which tend to mitigate the impact of the presence of the new, albeit modest, volume and make rational and consistent with the characters of the place and the paths, also given the presence of archaeological finds already studied and present on the side of this space that faces the upper street and the square.


Locality: Incisa Valdarno (Florence)
Client: Municipality of Incisa Valdarno
Assignment: Final and Executive Design Project, Project Management
Design Date: 2011-2015

With: Fabrica Progetti, Spring s.r.l. di Manuele Petranelli

Construction Company: Travelli Srl, Opera Prima Srl


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