Stand at the AT THE “Creativity & Design Week” International Fair, CHENGDU (CHINA)

The stand of the office “De Vita & Schulze Architetti” at the “Creativity & Design Week”, an international fair in Chengdu – China, is part of the international pavilion focusing on the theme of design and architecture. The exhibition design consists of a series of double-sided wings that show the studio’s most significant restoration projects; on one side is shown the situation before the restoration, in black and white; on the other side, in color, one can see the architecture once the restoration has been carried out. In that way a series of portals into the exhibition space are created, within which films on the theme of restoration are projected and models of the works performed are exhibited.


Locality: Chengdu (Cina)
Client: Creativity & Design Week – Chengdu
Assignment: Executive Design Project, Project Management
Design Date: 2018

With: Junmei Du (De Vita & Schulze Architetti- Beijing)

Cooperation DVS: Arch. Federica De Curtis


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