Marchini Carrozza House at Fiesole, FLORENCE

Marchini Carrozza House was built early last century for the Marchini firm that wanted to use the building to exhibit their straw products. The restoration of this interesting example of twentieth century Tuscan architecture, notified under Decree-Law n. 490/1999, provided the occasion for creating an avant garde service centre for tourism, with facilities and information for the public, a room for projecting audiovisual material and a well-equipped exhibition and conference area. The building is right next to the Roman Theatre archaeological area. The wall structures and the decorative elements, the elements that constitute the identity of this eclectic building in the centre of Fiesole were carefully restored and modern sophisticated technological systems were added


Locality: Fiesole (Florence)
Client: Fiesole Municipal Council
Brief: preliminary project, final design project, working plans and project management
Realized: 1999–2000
Collaborators: arch. Giulia Cellie, arch. Federico Gurrieri, arch. Francesco Gurrieri, Studio Lombardini Engineering, Studio Architect L. Nardella, Studio R. Papi, Studio Protecno


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